How to prepare cellulose/vegan yarnsy

Outline For Dyeing Our Cotton/Cellulose Yarns:

You will need to use different dyes from the ones you are most likely using for wool. These are known as Fiber -reactive dyes,  these also are sometimes branded as Procion MX DYES.

Although our cellulose yarns are prepared for dyeing they do benefit with an extra scouring step, this just helps the dye penetrate better and you will get stronger colours. For this, we recommend the following steps: 

For 1 kilo add 20mls of Synanthrapol and 40gms of Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate) to a pot with plenty of water, add the yarn in, and simmer for 1 hour, rinse and then proceed as you would normally for dyeing a cellulose fibre. This is the same procedure if you are using natural dyes on these yarns, or Procion MX/Fiber reactive dyes. 

The process when using fiber reactive dyes differs from acid dyeing in that you don’t need acid or heat. Dyes for cotton rely on a higher Ph rather than a lower one, and cooler temperatures and time.

In addition to your dyes, you will need Sodium Carbonate (soda Ash) to increase the PH and make the yarn more Alkaline so that the yarn and dye bond.